Holiday Camps

Norwood has organised NBA shooting coach David Nurse to conduct 2 camps in the Summer Holidays. This is a great opportunity for all Norwood players to improve their offensive game. Please see the attached flyer for more details. Train with David Nurse

Norwood Merchandise Store Now Open!

20% Off Coupon Code: 20off We are extremely pleased to announce the launch of a new range of merchandise products for the Norwood Basketball Club. To celebrate the launch of the new products and designs, we’re offering 20% off ALL PURCHASES made ONLINE by 5PM Tuesday 25th November 2014. Orders made after this time will not…

New Women’s ABL Coaches Announced

The Norwood Basketball Club Management Committee is pleased to announce that Jess Foley has been appointed the ABA Women’s Playing Coach, with Vicki Valk as her Assistant Coach! Jess will assume full responsibility for the Senior Women’s program in its entirety, including our U23 Youth League. Jess Foley Jess is a long-term Norwood Player, and…

Summer Squads 2014-15

Norwood Flames Boys Squads 2014-15 Norwood Flames Girls Squads 2014-15 Please click the links above for the squad lists. Please contact the relevant coach by Monday the 29th of September to get your training times. If you have any questions about your squads, please contact Willie Jennette on 0408 354 841 If you are not…

Position Available: CABL Women’s Head Coach

The Norwood Basketball Club (The Flames) was established in 1946, and is affiliated with Basketball Adelaide and Basketball South Australia and participates in all competitions under their auspices. This includes the Central Australian Basketball League (“CABL”), the premier basketball competition for South Australia’s elite men’s and women’s teams. The Club seeks to appoint a Head…

Norwood Junior Presentation Day

The Norwood Junior Presentation Day will be held on the 21st of September at the Regal Theatre (aka Chelsea Cinemas) on Kensington Road Session times are: 9.30am to 10.45am – U10, U12 & U14 11.15am to 12.30pm – U16 & U18 Team Photos are to be collected by Team Managers on the day in the foyer.

CABL Finals Week 2

The Norwood Flames Men defeated Centrals on Saturday night to advance to the Qualifying final this Saturday against the Woodville Warriors, 8.15pm at St Clair. After a week off, the Lady Flames are ready to take on Sturt this Saturday night, 6.30pm at MARS. We hope to see as many as possible at MARS, then make…

Norwood Internal Trials

The Norwood Basketball Club will be holding internal trials this season, and from this players will be placed into squads for next season. A second trial date may be appointed for September. All Current players and players invited from external trials must attend this day. If you cannot make it, please contact Willie Jennette on…

Skills Sessions with 36ers Coach Joey Wright

Norwood has been lucky enough to secure the services of current Adelaide 36ers coach Joey Wright to take skills sessions at the Campbelltown Leisure Centre. The sessions will focus on shooting, rebounding, footwork and overall skill development At the Campbelltown Leisure Centre For Norwood Flames Boys and Girls U12 to U18 Thursdays from the 15th…

Norwood ABL Round 2 Red Out

1st Norwood ABL Home Game – “RED OUT”

Come see your Norwood Flames take on the Southern Tigers at The FURNACE for our first ABL home games this coming Saturday 22nd March. We want to paint The Furnace RED by giving away a FREE ‘red hot’ t-shirt to all Norwood supporters on entry and make this a “RED OUT” (subject to availability). Women’s…

Norwood Junior Coaching Director

New Coaching Director and Coaching Panel We are pleased to announce Willie Jennette as our new Junior Coaching Director. Willie is a former NBL and ABA ALL-STAR player and a Woollacott Medalist (1990). He has coached at a variety of clubs at Junior level, and was a State coach in 2011, an assistant in 2012,…

New Norwood Management Committee

NEW PRESIDENT, COMMITTEE   At the Club AGM on Saturday 22 February 2014, the following were elected unopposed as the new Management Committee: President: Steve Murray Vice-President: Kerry Minchin Secretary: Phil Keenihan Treasurer: Cheryl Chard Committee members: Graeme Long, Andrew Webber, Scott Hann, Micah Hann, John Townsend and David Tavian   Two new Life Members…

Elite Training with 36ers Mitch Creek

Norwood has secured the services of 36ers star Mitch Creek and Adam Doyle to take a 1 hour elite training session. Training will be at CLC, and is open to boys and girls, anywhere from U12 to U23’s. Places are strictly limited to 20 people per session. There are three time slots, each running for…

Under 12 Boys Winter Trials

The Norwood Flames are looking for U12 boys, born 2003/2004, to play in the Winter Season (Training would commence on the 4th of March, with games played from 15th March to September). This is a once off trial, please attend on Tuesday the 25th. No pre registrations are required. Norwood Flames – 2014 Trial Invitation U12…

Norwood Basketball Club AGM

Norwood Basketball Club Inc AGM The 2013 Annual General Meeting of the Norwood Basketball Club Inc is scheduled to be held at the Hackney Hotel, 95 Hackney Road, Hackney, at 1.00PM on Saturday 22nd February 2014. All life and financial members are urged to be present. AGM and Club Membership 2014 Club Membership forms are…

Position Available: Norwood League Court Supervisor

The Norwood League is seeking a Court Supervisor for its junior basketball games at the Campbelltown Leisure Centre. Interested applicants are to apply via email by the 6th of February, to the Norwood League Committee at For further information, please contact Chris on 8165 0398 or Please click the link below for the…