Only complete this form if requested to do so by Norwood Staff.
Congratulations on being offered a spot with Norwood Flames for 2024. As part of your acceptance we require you to pay an “Intention to Play” fee which is $75 per player which will be deducted from your 2023/24 subs.
For ages U12s-U18s we have two squads, Blue Squad (Teams 1-4) and Red Squad (Teams 5-8).
Blue Squad trains twice per week for 1.5 hours. Red Squad trains once per week for 2 hours, with 1 hour being taken by a specialist coach and 1 hour by the team coach.
We are then offering additional optional morning training sessions for both Blue and Red squad members.
All U10 Squads train twice per week.
If you have been offered a training position please complete the form and select “Training Partner”. If you would like a direct debit then please email