The Norwood Basketball club is seeking applications from suitable applicants for the roles of:
- Head Coach: Premier League Men
- Head Coach: Premier League Women
The major responsibilities of both roles will include, but not be limited to:
- Coaching the Premier League Mens or Women’s team
- Promotion and development of a strong and unified culture that sets the example for the club as a whole
- Selection and development of coaches in the senior mens program (Youth League andSenior Mens teams)
- Development of senior players through appropriate programs
- Transition of players from the Norwood junior program to the senior program
- Management of the senior program within the budget as agreed with the management committee.The successful Applicant will have a successful coaching history, preferably at senior level.
- However applicants with a strong history in state and successful junior programs will be considered.
Remuneration negotiable with the successful applicant.
Applications must be emailed to:
Applications for both jobs close: 5pm 28th August, 2017.