The Management Committee is entrusted with the operational and strategic direction of the club. The committee consists of parents (and ex-parents), along with our players and some coaches. Of course, all are volunteers!
1. President – Peter Roberts (retiring at end of the year)
- Chairman of the Management Committee
- Club Representative on Basketball Adelaide
- Liaison with key club agreements (eg. Facilities, BSA)
- Management of complaints/grievances
- Liaison with staff and key officials
2. Vice President & Sponsorship & Grants – Stephen Mrowka
- role with club’s administrative structure(s) & employees
- Liaison with Treasurer, Secretary and Domestic Program
- Contributes to the further development of club structures and administrative processes
- parent liaison
- Liaison with staff and key officials
3. Basketball Operations – Mary Crouch
- Oversight of junior, U23 & Senior (non-ABA) programs
- Formation of relevant sub-committee(s)
- Liaison with Junior Coaching and Development Director
ABA Program – Sam Ninnes
- Appointment of coaches
- Appointment of bench personnel for home matches
- Liaison with sponsorship coordinator
- Negotiation with coaches re player retention and recruitment
- Negotiation re ABA Program budgets
- Negotiation re player payments
4. Treasurer – Scott Hann (retiring end of this year)
- Payment of accounts
- Receipt of monies
- Setting of fees (player fees, Easter fees and other fees as required)
- Fee collection
- Financial processes
- Audit of club finances
- Liaison with club administration officer re payment of accounts, receipt of monies and notification and collection of fees
- Establishment of any support sub-committees as necessary or desirable
5. Secretary – Fiona Pritchard
- Includes minute secretary
- Receipt of all club correspondence
- Management of club correspondence including distributing it to the relevant people/groups
- Clearances
- Team nominations
- Issues from club/club members to BSA
6. Sponsorship & Grants – Stephen Mrowka
- Establishment of a sponsorship policy/guidelines & sponsorship information
- Application for government & other grants
- Provision of required reports for grants etc
- Liaison with sponsors
7. Fundraising & Events – position vacant
- Establishing an events roster & fundraising plan with budget targets
- Organising planned events
- Establishing a sub-committee(s) as required
8. Communications – Mary Crouch
- Developing a communications strategy
- Maintaining and producing a regular club newsletter
- Maintain and developing the club web site
- New initiatives that expand and/or improve communication to members and feedback to the committee
9. Volunteers & Child Protection – Sue Virgili
- Ensure the club meets its child protection obligations
- Police screening of all club officials, volunteers and employees
- Manage child protection issues as they arise
- Provide information and advice to club officials, coaches and volunteers on child protection matters
- Ensure a volunteers register is maintained and kept up to date (through Admin Officer)
- Assist with recruitment & retention of volunteers, including team managers
10. Domestic & Development Programs (Potential for a separate organisational structure) – Kerry Minchin
- Oversight of the club’s domestic competitions and development programs (eg Aussie Hoops, Clinics etc) in conjunction with the club’s coaching and development director and administrative officer and any other paid personnel
- The promotion of these programs
- The recruitment of teams, participants
- Referees
- Liaison with facility managers as required
- The establishment of sub-committees as required
- Communication with teams, schools, clubs, participants & their parents
11. Training Venue Coordinator – Andrew Tindall
- Liaise with training venues & negotiate times and cost
- Liaise with Coaching Director and all coaches
- Provides a detailed summary of training schedules
- Manages cancellations and changes
- Monitors accounts & liaises with Treasurer
Other Key Roles that report to, but do not necessarily sit on Management Committee:
Easter – Sam Ninnes (the club’s major fundraising event)
- Oversight of the organisation and conduct of the club’s Easter Carnival in conjunction with the committee and the club’s coaching and development director and administrative officer
- Sponsorship in conjunction with committee sponsorship person
- Liaison with facility managers
- Liaison with club and teams
- Identification and recruitment of key personnel/volunteers
- Liaison with referees
- Merchandise in conjunction with committee merchandise person
- Liaison with Treasurer
Merchandise and Uniforms –Cheryl Chard (also provides finance support)
- Oversight of all club merchandise and uniform sales
- Determination of club endorsed items
- Establishing ordering and sale processes
- Managing uniform issues
Grievances and Complaints – a role separate to the management committee – we are looking for someone to fill this role
- Identification of a person who is independent of the committee & club?
- Communication to club members of the grievance policy and process
- Person empowered to receive and investigate grievances and complaints as they arise and make recommendations to the committee on the results of their investigations
- Has the ability to liaise with BSA as part of their processes
It is clear to see that a club with around 50 district teams and 60 school, or Norwood League teams means we need the on-going support of volunteers. While most of the positions of the committee are filled, we ALWAYS need willing hands at a range of events, like:
- Volunteering at Easter
- Being a Team Manager
- Joinging the Finance sub-committee
- Event coordination
- Coaching – critical given the turnover of coaches (especially now)
- ABA support on game nights
- Basketball Operations support
- Fundraising
- Putting your hand up for a future Management Committee role?
Maybe you know of someone or some business who may be prepared to sponsor the club? If you do, contact Steve Mrowka at: