Norwood League Domestic Basketball is on at Campbelltown Leisure Centre in Term 4. Norwood League is a fun, friendly environment that caters for children of all skill levels.
Positions are available for 5 to 15 year olds in our Saturday Norwood League teams. Call us now on 0422 056 947 or fill out the intent to play form for 2013.
[button color=”#ffffff” background=”#e93422″ size=”medium” src=””]Download Intent To Play Form[/button]
For more information, please contact us at norwoodleague@
Official Letter
We are currently seeking the interest of children wanting to be part of, or continue in, our 2013 Saturday Norwood League competition. We will have U8, U10, U12, U14 and U16 competitions that will be based at Campbelltown Leisure Centre.
Participants will be placed in teams with friends they have made within the Aussie Hoops sessions and friends from their school. Current players will play in the same clubs as this year.
Games will be played at 9:30am, 10:15am, 11:00am, 11:45am, 12:30pm or 1:15pm (if needed) and will involve an actual 40 minute game (2 x 20 minute halves). Your Norwood appointed coach will provide consistent feedback and support whilst the game is being played while referees umpire the game.
Uniforms are available to order at $28 now or $30 next year.
Costs for participants in 2013 will be $6 per game for each child. Please refer to the following table to see what age group your child will be in for 2013:
Year Born – Age Group
2007 & 2006 – Under 8
2005 & 2004 – Under 10
2003 & 2002 – Under 12
2001 & 2000 – Under 14
1999 & 1998 – Under 16
If your child is born in a different year please talk to myself regarding the best option for your child.
We are also asking the help of parents in providing support for their child’s team with being a team manager. The role of the team manager is to make sure all players within their team are available to play, collect tickets from all players and write names on the score sheet.
Your team will be appointed a coach that current plays district basketball and they will receive ongoing training via our staff constantly throughout the season.
If you would like your child to participate in our 2013 competition can you please fill in the registration form attached and return it to Michael Tuohy or one of the other staff today or next week. Details of your team will be provided on the Registration Day, which is Saturday February the 3rd, 2013. Games will then begin on February the 10th, 2013.
If your child has a friend that would like to be part of their team can you please include their name on this registration form.
If you have any questions concerning this program please see me at any time or call me on 0422 056 947.
Michael Tuohy
Norwood League Domestic Manager